
In late 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program. The move was aimed at trying to contain the resurgence of pertussis in Brazil.

In December 2015, the Brazilian government declared an emergency after 2,400 Brazilian babies were found to be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) and damaged brains since October.

Brazilian public health officials don’t know what is causing the increase in microcephaly cases in babies born in Brazil, but they are theorizing that it may be caused by a virus known as “Zika,” which is spread by mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti)—in the same way as is the West Nile virus.

The theory is largely based on the fact that they found the Zika virus in a baby with microcephaly following an autopsy of the dead child. The virus was also found in the amniotic fluid of two mothers whose babies had the condition.

Note that Zika is not a new virus; it has been around for decades. No explanation has been given as to why suddenly it could be causing all these cases of microcephaly. No one is seriously asking the question, “What has changed?”

There is no theorizing about the possibility that the cases of microcephaly could be linked to the mandating of the Tdap vaccine for all pregnant women in Brazil about 10 months earlier. The government has “assumed” the cause is a virus.

FACT—Drug companies did not test the safety and effectiveness of giving Tdap vaccine to pregnant women before the vaccines were licensed in the U.S. and there is almost no data on inflammatory or other biological responses to this vaccine that could affect pregnancy and birth outcomes.

FACT—According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adequate testing has not been done in humans to demonstrate safety for pregnant women and it is not known whether the vaccines can cause fetal harm or affect reproduction capacity. The manufacturers of the Tdap vaccine state that human toxicity and fertility studies are inadequate and warn that Tdap should “be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.”

FACT—There are ingredients pertussis containing Tdap vaccine that have not been fully evaluated for potential genotoxic or other adverse effects on the human fetus developing in the womb that may negatively affect health after birth, including aluminum adjuvants, mercury containing (Thimerosal) preservatives and many more bioactive and potentially toxic ingredients.

FACT—There are serious problems with outdated testing procedures for determining the potency and toxicity of pertussis vaccines and some scientists are calling for limits to be established for specific toxin content of pertussis-containing vaccines.

FACT—There are no published biological mechanism studies that assess pre-vaccination health status and measure changes in brain and immune function and chromosomal integrity after vaccination of pregnant women or their babies developing in the womb.

FACT—Since licensure of Tdap vaccine in the U.S., there have been no well designed prospective case controlled studies comparing the health outcomes of large groups of women who get pertussis containing Tdap vaccine during pregnancy either separately or simultaneously compared to those who do not get the vaccines, and no similar health outcome comparisons of their newborns at birth or in the first year of life have been conducted. Safety and effectiveness evaluations that have been conducted are either small, retrospective, compare vaccinated women to vaccinated women or have been performed by drug company or government health officials using unpublished data.

FACT—FACT—The FDA has licensed Tdap vaccines to be given once as a single dose pertussis booster shot to individuals over 10 or 11 years old. The CDC’s recommendation that doctors give every pregnant woman a Tdap vaccination during every pregnancy—regardless of whether a woman has already received one dose of Tdap—is an off-label use of the vaccine.

FACT—Injuries and deaths from pertussis-containing vaccines are the most compensated claims in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and influenza vaccine injuries and deaths are the second most compensated claim.

FACT—A 2013 published study evaluating reports of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) following vaccination in the U. S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and in a European vaccine reaction reporting system found that pertussis containing DTaP was among the vaccines most frequently associated with brain inflammation in children between birth and age five.

Tdap is manufactured by two pharmaceutical companies: Sanofi Pasteur of France and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) of the United Kingdom.

The Sanofi Pasteur product contains aluminum phosphate, residual formaldehyde, residual glutaraldehyde, and 2-phenoxyethanola, along with the following growth mediums and process ingredients: Stainer-Scholte medium, casamino acids, dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, modified Mueller-Miller casamino acid medium without beef heart infusion, ammonium sulfate, 2-phenoxyethanol, water for injection.

The GSK product contains aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, residual formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), along with the following growth mediums and process ingredients: modified Latham medium derived from bovine casein, Fenton medium containing bovine extract, formaldehyde, Stainer-Scholte liquid medium, glutaraldehyde, aluminum hydroxide.

Unsurprisingly, the Brazilian government announced on January 15, 2016 it will direct funds to a biomedical research center (Sao Paulo-based Butantan Institute) to help develop a vaccine against Zika. Development of the vaccine is expected to take 3-5 years. Again, no consideration to the irony that you may be developing a vaccine to address a problem that may have been CAUSED by a vaccine, and that that new vaccine may COMPOUND the problem No consideration to the possibility that the answer to the problem may not be to do MORE, but rather to do LESS (simply STOP giving Tdcap to pregnant women).

The number of cases iof microcephaly in Brazil has grown to 3,530 babies, as of mid-January 2016. Fewer than 150 such cases were seen in all of 2014.

Most of the microcephaly cases have been concentrated in Brazil’s poor northeast, though cases in Rio de Janeiro and other big cities have also been on the rise, prompting people to stock up on mosquito repellent. Health officials are warning Brazilians—especially pregnant women—to stay inside when possible and wear plenty of bug spray if they have to go out.

Wanna look up the ingredients in mosquito spray? Oh, and what deadly insecticide do you reckon they’ll mass fumigate with? DDT perhaps?

(Note. Contains information pieced together—often copy and pasted—from newspaper articles and information from the National Vaccine Information Center.)

Other Zika-related thinking to consider:

73 thoughts on “About

      1. I believe this and myself survived many harmful shots, thank God. It is very brave to “out” vaccines. But they are only the tip of the chemical iceberg crushing the free world. We pray, and may Lord Jesus be with us soon! Pray also for evildoers who sell, buy and enforce these vaccines. Amen!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. I am from the Cook Islands and we had the Zika epidemic very bad Here in Our islands for a while and we never had any problems with shrunken head babies. The injections into the pregnant mums caused it all bcos like most vaccines, doctors can’t truly identify its contents. Our church had delved into it and did researches and found out that some ingredients in them vaccines Include chicken parts, rats, entrails of Animals etc. Take note: this company is a money making organization n they don’t care what goes. In Australia, a young couple was terrorized for telling about the vaccine that was used on them. It affected the husband very badly n now ne can’t do anything. He was a healthy living husband and has 5 kids …the Australian government is not helping out somewhat. Don’t support this drug. It’s a fake n a money making tool.
      We are truly at the end time …. Hold on to Jesus friends, He is the only one who can carry us all through if we can only hold on longer till Jesus comes. Amen.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Okay, show me the medical records of all the women who gave birth to affected babies and prove they all were vaccinated with that TDaP vaccine. If this “government requirement” is for ALL pregnant women in Brazil, why are the affected neonates mostly clustered in one area? Also, show me the statistics on morbidity/mortality of neonates/infants who contract pertussis, which is known to be deadly.

    I’m willing to be convinced by REAL scientific analysis, but so far the anti-vaxers have yet to demonstrate any significant risk to the standard panel of vaccines, and the few studies they cite have been debunked. Now, if Brazil is mandating use of a vaccine that has not been tested for safety in pregnant women, it is certainly possible that the vaccine contains teratogens, and studies should be done to determine that. If this is an off-label use then that is especially true, and it should not be too difficult to do animal studies to determine whether the vaccine has teratogenic effects on the fetus. However, unless you have some evidence indicating that the administration of the vaccine was concentrated in the same area as the cluster of the affected neonates, I’d say that it would be wise to pursue studies on the Zika virus also, especially since Zika would NOT be the first virus to cause fetal abnormalities if contracted by a pregnant woman.

    Pursuing studies on BOTH issues would seem to be the way to go, IMO. I’d like to know WHY the Brazilian government mandated use of a vaccine in pregnant women, which had never been tested for safety in pregnant women, especially since it is an off-label use, and particularly since safe vaccines against pertussis exist for very young children; was a pertussis epidemic so widespread, that neonates were being widely exposed, and affected, before their sixth month of life? Surely attempts to control the spread of pertussis would have been a safer choice, than using a vaccine developed as a booster for older people, in pregnant women, for whom its safety had never been tested.

    Use of a vaccine in a manner that has never been tested for safety, is a whole different issue than the general opposition to vaccinations for children, seen in the anti-vaccination activists. The schedule of vaccinations for children, that has been in place in most developed countries for decades, utilizes vaccines that have been repeatedly tested for safety and found generally safe for administration. The minute amount of side effects is surely better than the thousands of deaths, and the morbidity, associated with just letting children contract diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, chickenpox, etc etc. And though Zika has been known since the 1940’s, I question whether there had been enough exposure to the virus in the past, in pregnant women, for science to note the possibility of fetal malformation related to exposure. It’s possible this is the first time a large number of pregnant women have been known to be exposed to the virus, hence the first time that significant numbers of deformed infants have been born to exposed mothers.

    One last side note: if a single incident of human-to-human transmission of the Zika virus via sexual contact has been positively demonstrated to have occurred, which I understand is the case, then the possibility of Zika either becoming, or already being, a widely disseminated STD is significant, and should be studied immediately. If Zika can be transmitted from human to human via the sexual route, then its spread cannot be confined by limiting the spread of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. We spent the better part of a decade denying evidence that HIV was a STD; we don’t need to repeat that mistake, especially if Zika does prove to be teratogenic.

    TL/DR: If a vaccine, not tested for safety in pregnant women, was widely used in the women whose children were affected, test for both possibilities (Zika virus / vaccine) being responsible for the fetal deformities. Study Zika as a potential STD since a case of human to human transmission via that route has already occurred. Vaccines against “childhood illnesses” SAVE LIVES.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. They have not studied it here, either for safety in pregnant women! They tried to give 2-3 vaccines to my daughter! As an R.n. for 18 years, and we were told for pregnant moms to take NO meds nor vaccines, PERIOD! Why is it supposedly safe, now, when no studies were done?? EXPERIMENTATION!! Post-market analysis has spoken, you dimwits at Big Pharma. CANCEL all pregancy vaccines, ASAP!!


    1. I noticed that the company which manufactured the tdap vaccine introduced in Brazil in 2014 (BUTANTAN) for ALL pregnant women proudly claims to have developed a “powerful vaccine adjuvant” which it uses in its “innovative production of whole-cell pertussis vaccine”. Reading details about their NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT on their website is terrifying to those of us who question the need for so many vaccines!


    2. Check out the BUTANTAN (Brazil manufacturer of TDAP) website which touts their success in developing “a powerful vaccine adjuvant” and their “innovative production of whole cell-pertussis vaccine”. These statements and their NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT section is not reassuring to anyone with concerns about vaccine safety.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I looked at that, (thanks for finding it). They are stripping off molecules from the killed pertussis and saving them to be used as an adjuvant in flu vaccine, (no thanks on that one). But it does seem that they are using whole cell pertussis, which we don’t use in the US due to safety concerns. Also whole cell pertussis has been linked to increased mortality in girls due to some derangement of the immune response to later unrelated infections.
        Take the leading ‘x’ off these links:


        But a recent WHO release says the much simpler possibility of a teratogenic vaccine or drug being involved will be looked at:

        Click to access 16-170639.pdf


    3. And who paid you to defend the friggin’ vaccines? Im 30yrs+ never had any vax, yet had mumps and sarampo … brother im alive and well. Stop believing in $cience. These big companies only aim is profit they are not here in Brazil or elsewhere because they care about us or you there in the northern hemisphere. You are paid otherwise you r sheeple. Get a life. We non vaccinated r healthy cause we drink clean water we have hygiene sewage clean food plenty of fruits and delicious vegetables everyday we r not sugar or hfcs addict like you are with all of your gmo sh.. keep swallowing what your desperate msm is throwing at you your propaganda is not gonna work anymore… go watch your stupid football (cra.) meanwhile u eat your daily dose of coca cola and carcinogenic chips and dont forget your lies are not working anymore with your funded $cience. have a good day sire.


      1. Adalberto, you’re the typical stupid brazilian and because of people like you the country is where it is. “we drink clean water we have hygiene sewage clean food … not sugar … gmo”?!?!? HAHAHAHA. Are you sure you are living in Brazil?!? You are such an arrogant idiot who even try to fool yourself with these stupid lies about the brazilian reality. You sound like the brazilians live in paradise. Even telling a person who you don’t know to ‘go watch your stupid football’ (let me guess you should be a Corinthians or Flamengo fan). Ok, you are a moron, we all know that already, thus I’d like to suggest you to make a pledge which is, you should not benefit from anything that Science gives to the society, starting by not even writing here since you are only doing so because of something called Computer Science.
        Furthermore, if at any point of your healthy and wonderful life you get sick, you should not look for a physician or take any medicine since they all come from $cience like you said.
        And before you ask me how much money I am making to say this, I can assure you that nothing at all. I have been in academic science for 15 years (half of your life, kid), and as in every single profession in the world, there are people working honestly and others that do not. I hate to break that to you but no company (including of course the ambitious pharma) is here for charity, they are all about the money. Unfortunately, not everyone is as good as you, or can live this wonderful life that you live.


      1. Of course. Anti-vaxxers evaluate any information they see through their confirmation bias. They only believe that which supports their beliefs. If you present them with information that contradicts their beliefs, they reject it by calling the source of the information names or they attempt to discredit it by claiming corporate and government conspiracy. The conspiracies they believe in would have to involve hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions. They think that’s possible, but don’t believe in science even though they use it daily and it’s responsible for increasing our lifespans by 40 years in the last century. I guess they wish they lived back when they could die from smallpox or TB.


    4. The Tdap was manufactured under licence to GSK in Pernumbucco, this is the poorest area, with the greatest population explosion at present, due to new job opportunities, more births there, so not so unusual they have the highest incidence of sica (sic) ie microcephalic babies caused by Tday.

      Oh same trend already shown in USA, microcephalic births were between 470-4,800 in 2010, depending on your reference. CDC says 800-4,800 Microcephalic babies now, since introduction of the aP vaccine in pregnant women (plus flu jabs?) is 25,000 per year, yep higher per head of population than Brazil and no damn pesky mossies to blame!


  2. Amazing, you are spot on. I noticed a few of the Dtaps are made using monkey cells (Vero) so it could be Zika virus from the shots.


    1. nina, the zika virus, causes nothing. THERE IS NO LINK BETWEEN ZIKA AN MICROCEPHALY. 2 babies apparently had zika, just like another two probably had the flu, yet they are not blaming the flu, why not? This vaccine, is NOTsupposed to be used in pregnancy. Given to babies at birth it kills them…….. Remember thalidomide? That was a tablet that caused birth defects. Antidepressants in pregnancy, cause horrific birth defects. It is the vaccine, causing these microcephaly cases,
      The reason they are trying to vaccinate babies before birth, is to stop them catching whooping cough, when born, from their own fully vaccinated family members….. vaccinated are now CARRIERS WITH NO SIGNS OF ILLNESS. The baby deaths from whooping cough are now 100% caused by vaccinated family members, who are carriers, with no signs of illness.

      All they needed to do, was STOP vaccinating with the failed vaccine, and do throat swabs of family members, before babies are born.

      Instead, they try some horrific experiment and look at the disaster that GSK, and the world has done!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are correct that the acellular pertussis (Tdap) is failing. The bacteria is mutating away from the vaccine strain. CDC should call for more testing since cocooning without testing is playing with fire. People get diagnosed in the US when they get so short of breath that they fall down and hit their head and get concussions. That’s the American way now that disease control is becoming a one trick pony.
        Testing and cocooning can’t replace passive immunity passed from a mother to a child, though. What if the mother does test positive? That pretty much blows an important bonding period even if there are healthy family members who can take care of the child until the mother is non-infectious.
        Pertussis herd immunity is screwed up now and it is hard to straighten out.


  3. As soon as I heard about the Zika Virus causing these horrible, conditions, I KNEW it was vaccine related. The Tdap is recommended in the US in the 3rd trimester (to cause neurological damage not as noticeable as this deformity). Injecting neurotoxins in any pregnant woman is criminal.


    1. And yet women get drummed into their head not to smoke, drink or take any illicit substances that may harm the unborn child – but vaccines? oh no. That’s different. Vaccines are safe, they say.

      Yeh right…


    1. the zika virus, causes nothing. THERE IS NO LINK BETWEEN ZIKA AN MICROCEPHALY. If you are a tourist, just dont get any vaccines, for anything, especially!! if pregnant.


    2. Racing car drivers take their own blood to Brazil. Perhaps tourists should too. Perhaps one should take no injection of any kind, to be sure.


  4. Hi, I’m a guinea pig from Brazil. I survived my so many shots so far, and thanks to the awareness from internet, I’ll do whatever I can to avoid further innoculations in my body. I’m sure Tdap and whatever miracle the pharma industry has in the pipelined will continue to be tested on the third world. However, I want to point out that this microcephaly outbreak may be attributed to something quite old and well known issue. The criminal rubella vaccination of pregnant women.

    The rubella vaccine is the live virus. The undeveloped immunological system of the fetus can’t respond to the infecction and the babies are born with the same symptoms that are being described for the Zika scapegoat (1). Both the fabricant of the vaccine (2) and the CDC (3) caution about this risks on their websites. Nonetheless, there were undiscriminate vaccination campains aimed at the 9 to 29 yrs old population (many women in reproductive age) in the cities that became microcephaly hotspots 9 months after (4, 5). Coincidence? Sure.

    1- http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/surv-manual/chpt15-crs.html
    2- http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/infectious-diseases/immunization/measles,-mumps,-and-rubella-vaccine#v12817435
    3- http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/preg-guide.htm#mmr
    4- http://www.fortaleza.ce.gov.br/imparh/noticias/imparh/campanha-de-vacinacao-contra-sarampo-e-rubeola-acontece-no-imparh-ate-sabado
    5- http://noticias.ne10.uol.com.br/nordeste/ceara/noticia/2015/03/27/em-surto-saude-do-ceara-realiza-dia-d-contra-o-sarampo-539229.php

    Now we are in a nation-wide war against the mosquito. The army and several governamental agencies are ferociouly spraying everywhere. The goverment bought millions of liters of some poison but I couldn’t find what it is (DDT?). I’m not sure it is mosquitos they are trying to wipe out.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Can you ask the women with these babies, did they get dtap in pregnancy. They would have called it a tetanus shot, I believe…… I have my own research, and reasons, for knowing this is the cause…… however, please tell me, what other vaccines do women get routinely like this, in pregnancy
      angela coral eisenhauer (fb) much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thankyou so, so much! More information from a keyboard warrior?
        Whooping cough is a bacteria that colonises the throat, called pertussis.
        1. Near no pertussis Australia whole cell pertussis vaccine (wP) 1953-1995
        2. Change to aP vaccine 1996.
        3. Vaccination rate, all time high levels of over 90%
        4. First Major outbreaks begin 2010, when all first aP vaccinated show 100% failure rates of the vaccine.
        5. No one over age 12 catches the illness, in the outbreak in 2010, one has to assume the whole cell is still working in anyone who got vaccinated prior to 1996.
        6. WA Health Department discover those kids aged 6-12 who they test, during the outbreak in 2010, although showing no symptoms still had pertussis bacteria in their throats for up to 8 weeks, and were able to transmit this to others. These children had still working aP vaccine, which protected them, but did not stop them transmitting the bacteria.
        7. Studies prove that fully vaccinated, with no symptoms, who have not yet had pertussis themselves (when the vaccine fails), do in fact, still catch, carry and spread pertussis to infants, who are too young to be vaccinated..
        8. In an attempt to prevaccinated babies, USA recommends aP vaccine be given to all pregnant women in 2013. Rise from 5,000 microcephalic babies per year to over 25,000 per year.
        9. Introduce aP vaccination to all Brazilian pregnant women in May 2015, first babies born October, a rise to 12,000 babies per year with microcephaly, which is less than the present rate in USA.
        10. No zika in USA to blame, so how do CDC explain this rise in microcephaly?


        angela coral eisenhauer on facebook. Gosh I rang the newspapers about this, and contacted you, and other, No response from mainstream media,,,, thankyou so, so much for writing this! More info needed, just email me.

        I tested the kids, first outbreak ever in Western Australia 2010, first signs of the true colours of the useless acellular (aP vaccine)……………………. it fails in everyone!


    2. They should never, ever vaccinate with Rubella, anywhere near a woman likely to be pregnant. If I had my life over, what I know now, I would never, ever let anyone near me or my children, with this absolute rubbish. The are toxic, and kill and maim more than they help. Vaccinations cause so much damage, and to do it now to pregnant women! /Disgusting.


  5. The government mandated the vaccination of pregnant women. If they were to link the deformed babies to the vaccine this would make them directly responsible. It is considered difficult to people to change belief in something when believing keeps them in pay. How much more difficult to admit to causing thousands of cases of lifelong brain damage?

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Is there any info about how many women were vaccinated prior to the mandate? If Tdap is the culprit, why hasn’t there been a boom in cases in the United States where most women (including myself) receive the vaccination? I agree that perhaps the government shouldn’t be so quick to blame it on Zika, but I don’t think you should be so quick to blame it on Tdap. It’s all poorly-researched, biased fearmongering at this point. I support vaccination, having had pertussis myself when I was in high school (despite being inoculated), and I would never wish that on my children, particularly since it’s more deadly to the old and the young. Everyone has an agenda, please don’t pretend like yours is more noble.


    1. Read up on heterologous immunity. You’ll see that a vaccine can derange the immune response to a subsequent infection. It’s a “new dawn” in vaccine research.
      Just take the leading ‘x’ off the link.


    2. has been more of an increase in USA, than in Brazil pre vaccination with aP around 2010, was max 4,800 cases a year, In 2015, this is now 25,000 cases a year. So just a little more than the present rate in Brazil of 12,000 per year…………………. adjusted for population.


  7. I’m not saying you are wrong and I’m not saying I am 100% supportive of vaccines; however, the TDaP vaccine is also recommended for pregnant moms in the US. This is a new recommendation and I am aware of it because I got it with my youngest child’s pregnancy but not when pregnant with my other two. Why don’t we have a sudden increase in the babies with small heads here? Correlation does not prove causation. Maybe it’s the Zika virus or the vaccine or some combination of both or neither.


  8. Good grief. Just what the f*** is your expertise in anything medical that qualifies you to JAQ off on this. I will bet NONE. If you had a brain (sadly you have one and can’t appear to use it), you might think thoughts like “gee, we’re not seeing microcephaly in the US where Tdap is being given to a lot of expectant moms” (and I know this because I’m a pediatrician who sees their children and they aren’t going microcephalic like you so stupidly want to proclaim). You moronic AVers must think everything is due to vaccines in your paranoid delusional little worlds. Not only is that sad, but your ilk is a menace to public health with the perpetual garbage you spew in your attempt to scare everyone from vaccinating. Could you just shut up for once and let actual science work. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that you twits don’t science, but you can still shut your gob anyhow.


    1. Whooping cough is a bacteria that colonises the throat, called pertussis.
      1. Near no pertussis Australia whole cell pertussis vaccine (wP) 1953-1995
      2. Change to aP vaccine 1996.
      3. Vaccination rate, all time high levels of over 90%
      4. First Major outbreaks begin 2010, when all first aP vaccinated show 100% failure rates of the vaccine.
      5. No one over age 12 catches the illness, in the outbreak in 2010, one has to assume the whole cell is still working in anyone who got vaccinated prior to 1996.
      6. WA Health Department discover those kids aged 6-12 who they test, during the outbreak in 2010, although showing no symptoms still had pertussis bacteria in their throats for up to 8 weeks, and were able to transmit this to others. These children had still working aP vaccine, which protected them, but did not stop them transmitting the bacteria.
      7. Studies prove that fully vaccinated, with no symptoms, who have not yet had pertussis themselves (when the vaccine fails), do in fact, still catch, carry and spread pertussis to infants, who are too young to be vaccinated..
      8. In an attempt to prevaccinated babies, USA recommends aP vaccine be given to all pregnant women in 2013. Rise from 5,000 microcephalic babies per year to over 25,000 per year.
      9. Introduce aP vaccination to all Brazilian pregnant women in May 2015, first babies born October, a rise to 12,000 babies per year with microcephaly, which is less than the present rate in USA.
      10. No zika in USA to blame, so how do CDC explain this rise in microcephaly?


  9. So, where’s the science, exactly? All I see here is speculation that since A precedes B, A therefore causes B.
    College undergrads would write up a better analysis than this. Embarrassing.

    To establish CAUSATION (A CAUSES B), you will need to show three things: (1) Tdap and microcephaly are related, (2) Tdap precedes microcephaly (so you must report the cases of children who show microcephaly and were NOT given the Tdap vaccine), and (3) you must eliminate alternative explanations for microcephaly. You’ve barely established Step 1, never mind Steps 2 and 3.

    Learn to science, please.


    1. I appreciate this lesson in establishing causation. Since I don’t know, can someone step us through the scientific proof of causation that has went into determining that Zika has caused microcephaly? Per this lesson three steps must be followed: (1) Zika and microcephaly are related, (2) Zica precedes microcephaly, and (3) you must eliminate alternative explanations for microcephaly.

      If absent (again, I don’t know), why should anyone believe that Zika is causing it any more than TDAP?


    2. Whooping cough is a bacteria that colonises the throat, called pertussis.
      1. Near no pertussis Australia whole cell pertussis vaccine (wP) 1953-1995
      2. Change to aP vaccine 1996.
      3. Vaccination rate, all time high levels of over 90%
      4. First Major outbreaks begin 2010, when all first aP vaccinated show 100% failure rates of the vaccine.
      5. No one over age 12 catches the illness, in the outbreak in 2010, one has to assume the whole cell is still working in anyone who got vaccinated prior to 1996.
      6. WA Health Department discover those kids aged 6-12 who they test, during the outbreak in 2010, although showing no symptoms still had pertussis bacteria in their throats for up to 8 weeks, and were able to transmit this to others. These children had still working aP vaccine, which protected them, but did not stop them transmitting the bacteria.
      7. Studies prove that fully vaccinated, with no symptoms, who have not yet had pertussis themselves (when the vaccine fails), do in fact, still catch, carry and spread pertussis to infants, who are too young to be vaccinated..
      8. In an attempt to prevaccinated babies, USA recommends aP vaccine be given to all pregnant women in 2013. Rise from 5,000 microcephalic babies per year to over 25,000 per year.
      9. Introduce aP vaccination to all Brazilian pregnant women in May 2015, first babies born October, a rise to 12,000 babies per year with microcephaly, which is less than the present rate in USA.
      10. No zika in USA to blame, so how do CDC explain this rise in microcephaly?


  10. I have a few questions,

    At what stage of pregnancy is the vaccine given?

    The brain begings to develop very early in pregnancy, so the vaccine would have to be given within the first few weeks of pregnancy for this to have any impact on brain development.

    Can viruses mutate? Especially when there is an epidemic? Yes the virus has been around for years, but what makes a virus all of a sudden more virrulent? They must be consuming too many toxins and impacting their immune systems (sarcasm).

    Why don’t you cite any of your “facts”?


    1. There is a documented case of a child given P vaccine, at 12 months, she then developed microcephaly from the shot, all documented. Microcephaly can affect a baby in the womb up to about age 36 weeks? I believe, all on the charts. But obviously, if the vaccine affected a child at even 12 months old, of course it can affect a baby in the womb, at any stage.


  11. The wrong questions keep getting asked, people need to forget about why individuals chose to not vaccinate and start asking why to vaccinate? First and foremost, your medical status including immunization records should be protected and personal information, news flash, people are always going to become ill at some point in their lives, why is it any of your business? Well because you can contract it ofcourse oh and also your tax dollars pay for their wellness if their own insurance does not…in most scenarios that is! And because of that we all feel an entitlement to know our surroundings, understandable. Looking at this current and sad epidemic in Brazil, was any mother whose child that is having said issues pertaining to either a vaccine injury or zika virus showing signs or syptoms of the zika virus before giving birth? Furthermore, the vaccine, if the mother was vaccinated during pregnancy, is it now showing in the infant that they have an “immunity”? Is their any trace of the vaccine in the infant? Do they have any immunity? Does the infant have any trace of the zika virus to which now do they have any kind of immunity? We can bicker back and fourth what it could be but he truth is, what they want everyone to hear is what will headline it’s up to the individual to do the research, and that is unfortunate! Also, it want long in California where vaccine makers implemented the high titer measles vaccines it only specific individuals in a specific high poverty area, these people thought they were given a helping hand but they weren’t they we’re lab rats And many of them died it was a known and well documented catastrophic event… That vaccine was from what I understand and have read, FDA approved before it was even tested and when subjects started dieing the vaccine was recalled and no longer licensed and backed by the FDA. There is no reason to not assume that this could happen again, If a vaccine can kill you I think it’s safe to assume it can cause several other problems, especially if it is new and they are testing it, to which the only way to know that is finding the lot nine bra and seeing if any of them were distributed anywhere else or only Brazil.

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  12. Oh my God, people. The TDaP vaccine prevents pertussis by boosting mom’s immunity prior to delivery. It doesn’t cross the placenta. The old vaccine was the DTaP, not the same one used now. TDaP also is used in the USA and has been recommended in pregnant women at the beginning of the third trimester for over three years and we have had no rise in the rates of microcephaly. We recently have had increased rates in babies dying of whooping cough due to decreased herd immunity because people aren’t staying up to date on their vaccinations.

    Furthermore, viral and other infectious causes of microcephaly and intracranial calcifications are well documented. Rubella, cytomegalovirus, and toxoplasmosis are the ones that we see most often. It is not that much of a stretch to see a new viral cause emerging.


    1. Please find out the difference between whole cell wP or just P and acellular ie aP vaccines. As for rise in microcephaly in USA? It has risen 500% in five years. I think you just told us the most probable cause of this.

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  13. So much m misinformation it hurts. First of all Tdap is not untested in pregnancy. Brazil is not the first country to implement it. There are at least 2 large studies documenting safety in pregnancy. The single case report that Madaza cites is with a different vaccine! (Tdap is acellular while the affected child received cellular pertussis, which has been known to very rarely cause neurological issues).
    As Loren explains the incidence of microcephaly increased in areas where Zika became newly reported while the change in the vaccine schedule was countrywide. Furthermore the claim that Zika has been around for over 50 years is of no impact. It is a new virus in Brazil. In addition during its previous outbreak it was associated with Guillian-Barre, a neurological problem, and with birth defects (though my reference did not elaborate on these). Also flaviviridae ( the virus family that Zika belongs to) has several members that also invade nerve tissue.
    Finally, as of now we now of 35 cases of microcephaly where Zika virus was detected on either the amniotic fluid or the spine fluid of the affected babies. All of the mothers resided or traveled through an affected area during the 2nd or 3rd trimester, and almost 75% reported symptoms suggestive of Zika infection.
    In conclusion there.
    So I agree that the link between Zika and microcephaly is not established science. However evidence IS pointing towards this direction. Evidence for the Tdap being the culprit is speculative at best.


    1. Much of Neuro development occurs in the first trimester. Why would traveling at 2nd and 3rd trimesters produce the microcephaly?


    2. NEVER tested in pregnancy. Ok if there are now 35 cases of the microcephalic babies having zika, ??? so what that is like 8%? and damn they keep trying. The original stats were 0.1%. They throwing millions into proving this. All the while ignorning that 100% of the babies got Tdap in the womb, starting May 2015, they got born in October? Hello? anyone home in your brain?


  14. Tdap is given in the third trimester to give protection against whooping cough (pertussis). By the third trimester the brain and skull are formed. They will not suddenly shrink.
    The microcephaly has to be caused by an exposure earlier during pregnancy during brain and skull formation, not third trimester when it’s all about growth. Sorry timing of your conspiracy theory doesn’t work.


  15. On every page like this where the medical industry is challenged using any real information there are people who work for the medical industry writing comments that seem to go against the post with seemingly good arguments of science. Be highly aware that this is going on all the time, the medical industry have thousands of people employed to scan internet and write pro-industry medication comments and articles.


    1. Wow. I just read every comment after the story. (On my screen) The first 10 or more were all people agreeing with the article speaking normal person talk. Then there were 10 or more very medically professional sounding comments telling people to not question “real scientists” or some bullshit. I totally agree with Nils here. Sounds like Med Industry gofer slaves getting extra credit. People think of shit too hard these days. Forget about “science.” What does your gut tell you about this or that situation or institution? What do you see with your own two eyes?

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      1. What I mostly see here are people who view “scientific” studies that a product is safe and therefore have no further questions. Please note that pharma trials are conducted by the entity themselves and not a third party. If you can show third party studies that have no relation to the pharmaceutical company, then you have something to at least start from. Otherwise, you should be a bit wiser after witnessing what has happened with FDA approved substances in the past.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. heaps more information on my fb angela coral eisenhauer I tested the kids first outbreak of pertussis ever in Western Australia in 2010. Ie Australia was first to have the new aP vaccine over the old P vaccine. I was one of the first to see the “”true colours”” of this useless vaccine, but then the try and prevaccinate babies, with a vaccine, that kills them if given at birth. why? Even with our now never ending pertussis in Australia, we have ONE baby death a year, that is all……… so are they vaccinating pregnant women to stop the babies getting infected by all the fully aP vaccinated carriers, OR HIDING THE FACT THE AP VACCINE IS CAUSING THE BIGGEST OUTBREAKS IN MODERN HISTORY? All they needed to do in 2010, was stop using the useless vaccine, all the vaccinated carriers gone by now, no more babies being infected by little baby brother/sister, carrying pertussis with no symptoms .


  16. This is a Brazilian article published last week. The author says that there wasn’t enough Tdap vaccine to give to all pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy, as was mandated in November 2014, so they gave them the old DPT with the full amount of mercury. She also says that there was a measles outbreak at the World Cup, and, as a result, another MMR was recommended for all adults. She thinks many of the adults who got it were either pregnant or would become pregnant in the following three months, and that is what caused the microcephaly, as mercury is known to sometimes cause it (as well as autism and many other devastating conditions). And the MMR is very dangerous when it is given during or shortly before pregnancy. The Zika virus is being blamed in order to deflect attention from vaccines, spend a lot of money on dangerous insecticides to kill the mosquitoes carrying Zika, and pave the way for a new, universally-given Zika vaccine. (So, your choices are the following: take your chances on getting the (mild, harmless) Zika virus, become celibate since otherwise you might catch Zika, or get the shot.)


    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is very interesting.

      The old DPT is a whole cell pertussis killed vaccine. Sounds bad if they used that one on pregnant women. They are apparently still using it in India; a doctor from that country posted this to a scientist’s blog:
      “J Pediatr Neurol 2014; 12(03): 167-170
      DOI: 10.3233/JPN-140659
      Vanishing white matter (VWM) disease is a rare leukoencephalopathy. Normal development in early childhood with regression of milestones after trauma or infection is typical clinical presentation. We are reporting a child with atypical VWM disease. A 1.5-year-old female child presented with fever followed by altered sensorium and convulsions following first booster dose of diphtheria pertussis tetanus vaccination. Her development was normal till 1 yr of age. Her weight and head size were below 3 standard deviations. She had hepatosplenomegaly. Her routine investigations including cerebrospinal fluid examination were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain shows diffuse white matter signals changes (hyperintensity on T2-weighted and hypointensity on T1-weighted images) involving the subcortical “U” fibers sparing basal ganglia. MRI shows diffuse white matter hyperintensity on T2-weighted images with areas of low signal on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, close to the signal of cerebrospinal fluid. Based on MRI findings we diagnosed as VWM disease.
      Vanishing white matter disease – whole cell DPT vaccine – hepatosplenomegaly – microcephaly ”

      So that vaccine can take a normal one and a half year old brain and induce microcephaly – if the responsible components can cross placenta then it could destroy a fetal brain at any stage.

      Zika could be just an opportunistic infection at that point…like those who might benefit from the Obama administration’s proposal to tax us another $1.8 billion to control ‘the deadly Zika virus.’ Never let a poor woman and her baby’s suffering go to waste.

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      1. Well my DTP is still working after 50 years! No one with the old DTP is catching whooping cough, only the aP vaccinated ones. With DTP was two shots? With the ap, you need 35 jabs by age 909, just for 50% chance of not catching the pertussis, you are near constantly carrying in your own throat………………… Oh yeah, you spend that 9-0 years spreading it, you just dont catch it yourself “:)


  17. 1991 Book by the Institute of Medicine, Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines.

    Infantile spasms are a type of epileptic disorder in young children characterized by flexor (34 percent), extensor (22 percent), and mixed flexor-extensor (42 percent) seizures that tend to occur in clusters or flurries (Kellaway et al., 1979). The earliest manifestations of infantile spasms can be subtle and are easily missed, making it difficult to identify the precise age at onset. …

    Among symptomatic cases, presumed causes are frequently grouped according to the timing of the suspected insult as occurring pre-, peri-, or postnatally. Prenatal factors are thought to account for 20 to 30 percent of cases. This category includes cerebral anomalies, chromosomal disorders, neurocutaneous syndromes such as tuberous sclerosis, inherited metabolic disorders, intrauterine infections, family history of seizures, and microcephaly (Bobele and Bodensteiner, 1990; Kurokawa et al., 1980; Ohtahara, 1984; Riikonen and Donner, 1979). Perinatal factors are thought to account for from 25 to 50 percent of infantile spasms cases. This category includes perinatal hypoxia, birth trauma, and metabolic disorders (Kurokawa et al., 1980; Pollack et al., 1979). Approximately 8 to 14 percent of infantile spasms are attributed to postnatal factors, including central nervous system (CNS) infections, trauma, immunizations, and intracranial hemorrhage (Bobele and Bodensteiner, 1990; Gibbs et al., 1954; Kurokawa et al., 1980; Lombroso, 1983a). Few of these factors have been subjected to systematic investigation, however, and the etiology of infantile spasms remains unknown for 30 to 50 percent of cases (Cowan and Hudson, in press).
    Institute of Medicine, Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines, 1991, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK234367/.


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